Thursday, September 18, 2008

MoMo's Travels

MoMo went on a big adventure yesterday. He went all the way up the coast to Rockport, MA and then south to Boston. He rode the T subway for the first time and followed the freedom trail in boston. He loved all the shops and the historical sites. He met interesting people who all loved him - everyone from a crazy lady in the subway to a group of british grandmothers who were visiting america. He and Ellie are quite the attention getters. He also went to Chickfila where the workers loved him and gave him a little present. However, he will not be 'eating more chicken' for a while!
Emily and Brandon left today and Papa and Nana arrived for more MoMo love.
Congrats to Emily and Tiffany (both of Derrick's sisters) who are pregnant and have the same due date. MoMo will have more cousin friends!

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