Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

Bilirubin level down to 17 last night. Awaiting this mornings number. Doctor says a 'downward' trend may mean he can come with us home. Meghan's parents are on the way up. Tiff is leaving at the same time from Logan, so I am switching out the help. Thanks to Jerrigayle Benson for tonight's lasagna dinner!

1 comment:

Brooks & Penny Shaw said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you guys. God has given you such a beautiful boy!!! I am glad you all are doing better. It just seems like yesterday that Megan and I were talking about being a wife, and now you both are Mommy & Daddy!! Yeh!! I know your parents are so excited. I will be praying for you guys. Love and Miss You all!!