Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy November

MoMo has proudly voted in his first election! I asked the women running the polling place if I could take a picture of him with me in the booth - they said no, so we opted for a picture outside of the school. It was very important to me to take him out of his car seat and hold him while he voted. His first civic duty!! He has been growing so fast and now laughs and smiles when he sees us. He has started standing up when you hold him and he can even bare all his weight on his legs. He loves and I means loves to suck on his hands. Derrick has made a discovery that he is so proud of - so when Moses if freaking out and crying Derrick will turn on some rap music and Moses will almost immediately calm down. Derrick loves it...and when it works its pretty awesome. :) He is looking forward to his first plane ride to meet Oma and Opa in Texas. I'm not sure the people sitting next to us will be excited though.


Matthew said...

Hey guys!
man, i am love with this little brett and i don't even know him yet! this pics are great meg- especially the OBAMA one, yeah mayne! I have some cool Obama China stories btw. Oh you know how i know that moses has some of my blood running through him? The therapeutic effects of rap! That is amazing and I can't wait to try it out! I miss and love you guys... hopefully we can talk soon. I put up some pictures from the treck on my blog.

Christi said...

He cracks me up! Your husband needs some more time on his hands, do you realize that?! LOL
When you go on the plane ride, remember to feed him or let him suck on a binki/nuk/pacifier when you take off and should have a fairly good baby on the flight! Happy Thanksgiving and I hope to see you soon.

Jen McCrady said...

momo is adorable!